Balzi, L. (2023). Playful mediations about the body of women and Western neoliberal visual culture. Barcelona Investigación Arte Creación, 1(11).
Balzi, L. (2023). Intersections in the research territory. InSEA IMAG, (14), 4-10.
Balzi, L., & Katagiri, A. (2021). Looking through multicultural lenses: a visual exchange of contemporary photography between two international middle and high schools in Japan and Norway. Screen literacy: Education through visual media expression, (2) 6-16. Niigata University. Japan. ISNN 2435-5739
Balzi, L. (2021). La violencia de género como estética en la cultura visual de Europa y América desde el siglo XVI al XXI=Gender violence as aesthetics in European and American visual culture from the 16th to the 21st century. Cuestiones De género: De La Igualdad Y La Diferencia, (16), 12–30.
Balzi, L., & Storlie Kristoffersen, C. (2019).Integrating contemporary art in the PYP IB curriculum to open dialogues about cultural diversity in Norway. InSEA IMAG, (10), 36-49.
Balzi, L. (2017). Using contemporary art, media literacy, and action research in a co-operational classroom to teach about globalization. InSEA IMAG, (5), 54-61.
Balzi, L. Teaching art brut aesthetics and ocean pollution. The IB Community Blog. July 2018. Retrieved from the internet:
Balzi, L. (2024). What does it mean to teach about intersectional discrimination in a multicultural middle school art class? (A white immigrant art teacher’s perspective). The intersectionality of critical identities in art education. (pp. 68-77). InSEA Publications.
Balzi, L. (2024). Virtual world versus real world: Sensitizing fifth-grade students about advertising in digital visual culture. In Yaginuma, H. (editor), The educational significance of visual media expression. (pp. 243-257). Niigata University Press: Japan. ISBN: 978-4911008362
Balzi, L. (2022). Re-in-corporarating: Visual approaches to hegemonizing neo/decolonialisms from the adolescent body (pp. 349-357). InSEA Cusco. Peru. ISBN 978-989-53600-3-1
Balzi, L. (2022). How are you connected to nature? Visual responses to climate issues. In Wang L. Y. & Hung, Y. (Eds.), Learning through art: International Pictures of Practice (pp. 361-367). InSEA Publications. ISBN: 978-989-53600-2-4 DOI: 10.24981/2022-LTA3
Balzi, L. (2011). Tango Inmaterial Cultural World Heritage. Artist Book.
Editorial Member, [IMAG], [2025-present] – Contributed to the peer review and editing process of scholarly articles in [Art Education]. ISSN 2414-3332.
Editorial Member, [Anuario Electrónico de Estudios en Comunicación Social "Disertaciones"], [2025-present] – Contributed to the peer review and editing process of scholarly articles in [Media Communication and Gender Studies]. ISSN-e: 1856-9536.
DOI: Board Member [InSEA], [2023-2025] – [Art Education]