2022. What Does it Mean to Teach About White Privilege Through Art in a Multicultural Class? [Paper presentation. Online congress] Nettverkskonferanse for kunst og håndverk i UH-sektor 2022. NTNU / DMMH. Trondheim. Jan. 2022.
2021. Re-in-corporarating: Visual Approaches To Hegemonizing Neo/Decolonialisms From The Adolescent Body. [Paper presentation. Online Congress]. Cracks and Provocations in the Teaching and Learning of the Arts. InSEA Regional Congress. Universidad Nacional Diego Quispe Tito, Cusco, Peru. Nov. 2021.
2020. The Politics of Aesthetics of Women’s Bodies in the Neoliberal Western Visual Culture [Paper presentation. Online congress]. CIVARTES International Congress of Art Education, Asociación Cultural Acción Social y Arte, University of Jaen, Jaen, Spain. Jul. 2020: (p. 49) ISBN: 978-84-15901-27-3.
2018. Integrating Contemporary Art in the IB Curriculum to Open Dialogues About Cultural Diversity in Norway [Paper presentation in congress]. INSEA Congress, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland. Feb. 2019: (p. 901-902)
2021. Teaching Visual Arts to 5 - 12-year-old children [online]. InSEA Europe Webinar.